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Use of AI virtual agents enables brands more effective communication through digital channels




Unique communication between sports clubs and fans.



Take advantage of Viber's comprehensive and secure communication using Viber Business Messages.



Using a comprehensive conversational solution address your customers quickly and efficiently. 




Use of AI virtual agents enables brands more effective communication through digital channels.



Unique communication between sports clubs and fans.



Take advantage of Viber's comprehensive and secure communication using Viber Business Messages.



Using a comprehensive conversational solution address your customers quickly and efficiently. 

by Rok Naraks, vodja razvoja rešitev z umetno inteligenco 23 Apr, 2024
Veliki jezikovni modeli delujejo kot obsežni sistemi za samodejno zaključevaje, ki se učijo jezika z analizo statističnih lastnosti jezika. Ti modeli ne temeljijo na trdni bazi dejstev, ampak na sposobnosti ustvarjanja verjetno zvenečih izjav, kar pomeni, da lahko predstavljajo napačne informacije kot resnične. Razvoj AI se nenehno spreminja, vključno s preimenovanji teh modelov, zato vam za lažje odločanje v nadaljevanju predstavljamo ključne prednosti različnih modelov, ki jih razvijalci pogovornih rešitev integriramo v svojo tehnologijo. Predvsem zato, da vam predstavimo tudi modele, ki jih lahko uporabite kot alternative ChatGPT-ju, preizkušamo pa jih tudi v 2Mobile pri razvoju pogovornih rešitev.
by Marko Možina, produktni manager, 2Mobile 26 Mar, 2024
Živimo v časih, ko je varnost na spletu postala vse bolj pogosta tema v digitalnem svetu, tako z vidika zagotavljanja primerne ravni kibernetske varnosti kot tudi z vidika varovanja zasebnosti podatkov uporabnikov. V zadnjih letih se je s povečano uporabo umetne inteligence potreba po varstvu zasebnosti še povečala, kar nas, ki delamo v digitalnem marketingu, sili v spoštovanje regulativ in smernic, ki jih predpisuje Evropska unija.
by Rok Naraks, Head of AI Development, 2Mobile 18 Mar, 2024
Od leta 2018, ko je GDPR pri nas stopil v veljavo, je marsikdo izmed nas, ki dela v marketingu in se na različne načine ukvarja z obdelavo podatkov, kdaj izgubil potrpljenje, ko je prišlo do urejanja pravnoformalnih zadev, ki se nanašajo na zajem in obdelavo osebnih podatkov. A dejstvo je, da je to področje, ki ga v digitalnem marketingu ne moremo preskočiti in predstavlja temelje za dobro uporabniško izkušnjo in seveda zakonsko skladnost. V svetu, kjer so pogovorni boti postali pomemben del poslovne strategije, je nujno, da vsi, ki obdelujemo osebne podatke državljanov EU, zagotovimo visoko stopnjo zaščite podatkov in transparentnost. GDPR zahteva točno to – visoko stopnjo zasebnosti in transparentnost pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov, kar je še posebej pomembno pri razvoju pogovornih botov, ki pogosto obdelujejo občutljive informacije. Integracija mehanike zasebnosti v samo delovanje bota zagotavlja, da je varovanje zasebnosti vgrajeno neposredno v tehnologijo botov od samega začetka. Samostojni klepetalni boti, ki uporabljajo lastne podatkovne baze in pogovorne algoritme, predstavljajo v tem kontekstu dodatno raven varnosti, saj osebni podatki niso deljeni s tretjimi strankami. 



Use of AI virtual agents enables brands more effective communication through digital channels



Unique communication between sports clubs and fans.



Take advantage of Viber's comprehensive and secure communication using Viber Business Messages.



Using a comprehensive conversational solution address your customers quickly and efficiently. 

by Rok Naraks, Head of AI development 23 Apr, 2024
Large language models act as large-scale automatic inference systems that learn a language by analysing its statistical properties. These models are not based on a solid fact base, but on the ability to generate plausible-sounding statements, which means that they can represent false information as true. AI development constantly evolves, which includes the renaming of these models. To help you decide, here are the key benefits of different models that conversational solution developers are integrating into their products. In particular, we want to introduce models that can be used as alternatives to ChatGPT, which we are also testing at 2Mobile for the development of conversational solutions.
by Marko Možina, Product Manager, 2Mobile 26 Mar, 2024
Online security has emerged as an increasingly common topic in the digital world, both in terms of ensuring an adequate level of cybersecurity and protecting the privacy of users' data. In recent years, the rise of artificial intelligence has amplified the importance of privacy protection, forcing digital marketers to comply with the regulations and guidelines set out by the European Union.

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by Rok Naraks, Head of AI development 23 Apr, 2024
Large language models act as large-scale automatic inference systems that learn a language by analysing its statistical properties. These models are not based on a solid fact base, but on the ability to generate plausible-sounding statements, which means that they can represent false information as true. AI development constantly evolves, which includes the renaming of these models. To help you decide, here are the key benefits of different models that conversational solution developers are integrating into their products. In particular, we want to introduce models that can be used as alternatives to ChatGPT, which we are also testing at 2Mobile for the development of conversational solutions.
by Marko Možina, Product Manager, 2Mobile 26 Mar, 2024
Online security has emerged as an increasingly common topic in the digital world, both in terms of ensuring an adequate level of cybersecurity and protecting the privacy of users' data. In recent years, the rise of artificial intelligence has amplified the importance of privacy protection, forcing digital marketers to comply with the regulations and guidelines set out by the European Union.
by Rok Naraks, Head of AI Development, 2Mobile 18 Mar, 2024
Since GDPR came into force in 2018, many of us who work in marketing and deal with data processing in one way or another have grown impatient with the legal formalities surrounding the capturing and processing of personal data. However, the fact is that this is a crucial aspect of digital marketing and the foundation of a good user experience and, of course, legal compliance. In a world where chatbots have become an important part of business strategy, it is essential that everyone who processes EU citizens' personal data ensures a high level of data protection and transparency. The GDPR explicitly requires a high level of privacy and transparency in personal data processing, which is a particularly important consideration in the development of chatbots that frequently process sensitive information. Integrating privacy mechanisms directly into the operation of a bot ensures that privacy protection is built right into the bot technology from the start. In this context, stand-alone chatbots, which use their own databases and conversational algorithms, serve as an extra layer of security by not sharing personal data with third parties.


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